Nutrition & Lifestyle Services

We can help you achieve your specific health goals

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    Do you have trouble losing or gaining weight?

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    Do you experience fatigue and exhaustion and would like to improve energy levels?

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    Do you notice frequent fluctuations in your mood?

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    Are you rarely satisfied and feel the urge to snack often?

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    Would you like to improve your sleep and circadian rhythm?

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    Do you suffer from GI distress or discomfort when eating certain foods?

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    Do you experience brain fog and would like to improve mental clarity and focus?

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    Do you rely on caffeine to get you through the day?

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    Do you frequently crave sugary foods?

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    Do you have acne, eczema or other skin issues?

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    Are you looking to improve your overall health and wellbeing?

achieve health goals
bespoke nutrition

Bespoke Nutrition & Lifestyle Programme

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    Personalised healthcare

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    Pre-consultation evaluation & research of your case

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    60-90mins face-to-face consultation

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    In-depth functional health assessment

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    Time for you to tell your story and discuss your health goals

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    Explanations for your presenting health concerns with up-to-date nutritional and lifestyle recommendations based on our research of scientific literature

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    Functional testing and nutritional supplementation recommendations where appropriate

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    Post-consultation summary report that covers the scientific and evidence-based rationale behind the dietary, nutritional supplementation, functional testing, and lifestyle recommendations

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    A bespoke nutrition & lifestyle programme including dietary advice and food plans formulated specifically to help you achieve your goals

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    A plan for future health related goals

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    On-going support via email

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    Personalised healthcare

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    Additional pre-consultation research of you case

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    60mins face-to-face consultation

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    Tracking and monitoring the changes in your symptoms and improvements

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    Post-consultation revision of your bespoke nutrition & lifestyle programme

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    Further functional testing and nutritional supplementation recommendations where appropriate

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    A review of your plan for future health related goals

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    On-going support via email


After each consultation you will receive a bespoke nutrition and lifestyle programme. Depending on your goals and personal circumstances, you may want to select a package you feel more supported by. For more information on how nutritional therapy may help you and which package to select, please book your free introductory consultation.

health consultation


60 – 90 minutes

follow up consultation


45 – 60 minutes

health packages

3 Month

1 Initial Consultation
2 Follow-up Consultations

6 month health package

6 Month

1 Initial Consultation
3 Follow-up Consultations




After each consultation you will receive a bespoke nutrition and lifestyle programme. Depending on your goals and personal circumstances, you may want to select a package you feel more supported by. For more information on how nutritional therapy may help you and which package to select, please book your free introductory consultation.

health consultation

Initial Consultation

60 – 90 minutes


follow up consultation

Follow-up Consultation

45 – 60 minutes


health packages

3 Month Package

1 Initial Consultation
2 Follow-up Consultations


6 month health package

6 Month Package

1 Initial Consultation
3 Follow-up Consultations


animal based nutrition

Who We Work With

Although our philosophy is centered on animal-based nutrition, at Ancestral Roots Nutrition we work with all individuals regardless of their personal dietary preferences, catering for both vegetarians and vegans alike.

We are not qualified to work with those suffering from any types of cancer, eating disorders, or kidney disease.

Arrange a consultation

Book online for your complimentary 15 minute phone consultation and let’s get started.

You can also email 

or call us at +44 7892 440294


